Podcasting Smarter
The podcast for podcasters, by podcasters. Podcast Smarter is the official in-house podcast by Podbean with podcasting interviews, best practices and helpful tips. Podbean is a podcast publishing and monetization service, hosting almost 600,000 podcasts. If you’re looking to start your own podcast, monetize your podcast and livestream directly to your listeners, you can set up an account at podbean.com To contact Podcasting Smarter with questions get in contact at podcastingsmarter@podbean.com
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Journey Into A Podcast Network with Nate Phillips: Season 4 Ep. 01
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
"Do it till you are blue in the face. Do it when you don't want to do it. Be bigger than yourself." --Nate Phillips
Like many podcasters, my guest today is many things. Nate Phillips is the VP of the Journey Into Comics Network. He also hosts four shows including, The Voice Of Survival Podcast, Foodies Watching Movies, Journey Into Comics, and Journey Into Wrestling. You can find and subscribe to the entire network of shows at journeyintocomics.com.
Nate's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
After losing an epic podcast episode due to his board glitching out, he is now super precautious and immediately turns the board off after recording so the file saves immediately.
Nate discovered that his strength as a podcaster was helping other new podcasters develop their talents and produce their own shows. This has helped grow his network into a diverse group of shows run by a team of dedicated, passioate podcast hosts.
Because it was easy and inexpensive, they started off by putting all the network shows on a single RSS Feed. As the individual shows have gained momentum, they are now in the process of giving each show a dedicated RSS Feed, and social media identities.
Their primary goal is to produce diverse, entertaining, and engaging content.
Nate had been fortunate in having committed hosts join his network. If that ever changes, he would understands, and would just ask that they have an exit show for the listeners. It's important that everyone is still having fun.
He pays attention to all the details of the content being produced in his network. If he discovers something subpar, he gently reaches out to the host or producer to help them improve for the betterment of the network as a whole.
Nate studies his hosts' speech patterns and is sensitive to an overuse of filler words.
Nate wants to continually learn while looking ahead to the growth and development of the network.
They are currently using Patreon as a way to monetize their network, and engage with their audience by providing early releases and bonus content as their reward levels. They are now close to having all of their hosting costs covered through crowdfunding.
You have to put the work in, and roll with the punches such as the time recently when he had to fill in for a host who couldn't make his recording time for his political podcast.
It is a rewarding experience to be able to work with a pool of people with unique talents. He also enjoys finding new talent and supporting them.
Podcasting takes commitment and dedication. You have to do it when you don't want to. Sometimes, your best content will happen during these times.
Nate's hypothetical podcast about his life: "Darkness Giving Way To Light"
Nate's Fantasy Podcasters: Johnny Carson and David Letterman
You can subscribe to the Journey Into Comics network on Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher and your favorite podcast player.
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Using Your Podcast To Market Your Niche Business with Norm Bour: Season 03 Ep.10
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Norm Bour is the producer and host of Vape Radio (the voice of and for businesses within the Vape Space) and the founder of VapeMentors. Norm shares his insight as a business man who has found his podcast to be a powerful marketing tool in his niche. But first, we start with a few podcasting confessions this week.
Norm's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Norm recommends having a podcast as an adjunct to any niche business as a powerful, and multi-use marketing tool.
Norm admits he is not the most knowledgable person in his industry, but by interviewing experts in the Vaping industry, he has learned a lot, and become an authority by virtue of having a podcast that puts valuable information out about the Vaping business. This model will work with any niche business.
His podcast has given him VIP access to industry events because Vape Radio qualifies him as a member of the media.
Norm has also had the opportunity to speak at industry events all over the world thanks to the authority he has established in the Vape space with his book and podcast.
Norm stresses that it is important to understand your audience. With so much competition for attention, podcasts who find a specific audience will have success. In his case, his audience is Vape business owners or future business owners. By having such a specific audience, he knows what they need to know, what they are passionate about, and where they hang out on and offline.
Norm recommends podcasting about something you are extremely passionate about. Most likely you will not directly monetize your podcast so its important that you love your topic, and get personal fulfillment from your podcast to have any hope for longevity.
Norm's hypothetical podcast about his life: "He Never Gave Up" **This comes with a powerful story from Norm that will give you chills.
Norm's Fantasy Podcaster: John F. Kennedy
Be sure to check out Vape Radio on Podbean and iTunes and take a look at all that Norm has accomplished with the help of his podcast at VapeMentors.com.
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Andre Kane of The Electric Radio Show, a syndicated radio show and podcast. Andre has a background in morning radio that goes back to 1998, and he met his current co-host in 2001. In 2008, they started their own morning radio show on an FM station where they took the #1 spot. Andre loves the podcasting platform, and I loved chatting with him about his podcasting and radio expereinces.
Andre's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
It was very important to Andre to be heard in every format possible in order to grow an audience as efficiently as possible. In 2014, Andre and his co-host saw the opportunity to increase the digital reach of their syndicated terrestrial radio show by making it available in the podcasting medium. In addition to podcasting, and terrestrial radio, The Electric Radio Show has used internet radio, a live streaming platform, to reach new audiences.
Don't be afraid to reach out to internet radio stations, to see if your show is a good fit. Andre makes the distinction between internet radio and a podcast by defining interbet radio as a live stream.
The long-term chemistry and work ethic with his co-host, Jack Hammer, and the rest of their team is a crucial element to their growth and success. Their combined passion keeps them producing consistent content over a significant period of time.
Andre and his team focused on growth instead of monetization. They focused on growth. Andre decided to concentrate on content and distribution before monetization. They are currently heard on 60 radio stations. He believes the money will come with an enthusastic audience and compelling content.
There is no reason an indie podcaster can't have a professional sounding show.
In terrestrial radio there are harch consequences for a drop in ratings. That means terrestrial radio broadcasters learned how to keep an audience engaged by teasing segments, etc. Podcasters can learn a lot about audience retention by studying professional radio broadcasters.
They are looking into expanding their show to include podcast-only episodes so they can take advantage of the freedoms they have in podcasting, but not in radio due of FCC regulations.
When you are syndicated, there are several monetization models.
Don't give up. Go into podcasting knowing that you will have failures because it is difficult to grow an audience and produce a good show. Both things take time, but if you don't give up, and concentrate on getting better, you will get there.
Andre's hypothetical podcast about his life: "The Life of Andre"
Andre's Fantasy Podcaster: Jim Morrison
Listen to The Electric Radio Show on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher!
Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Running A Full Service Podcasting Studio with New Media Studios: Season 3 Ep. 08
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
On this episode of Podcasting Smarter, Jen and Vernon meet with Justin Emery, owner of New Media Studios, at Podcast Movement and learn how he transitioned from a job in radio, to owning a full-service podcast studio in Philadelphia while also producing his own podcast, Deja Brew.
Justin's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
You don't need a laptop or computer to record a podcast
Don't drink too much beer while podcasting
For mobile recording he recommends the H6 Zoom Portable Recorder which gives you up to 4 inputs.
Good sound quality should be a priority
Be an engaging host --don't be bland. Entertain your listeners and care about your show.
Just start. Nobody is great in the beginning. You get better by doing not by stalling.
Justin's hypothetical podcast about his life: "What The F Is Going On Here?"
Justin's Fantasy Podcaster: Benjamin Franklin
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Jen and Vernon Spill The Podbeans at Podcast Movement: Season 3 Ep. 07
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
On this episode of Podcasting Smarter, Vernon and Jen record in the hallways immediately following the end of Podcast Movement. Admittedly, the background noise makes the sound quality on this one a bit sub par, but the Samson Go mic and the Podbean App pick up our voices just fine. Hope you stick with us! :)
Episode Highlights:
Podbean and Samson partner to give away a podcast studio set up every month. Enter HERE!
Podbean announces the addition of dynamic ad insertion.
Choose sponsors for your show that are a good fit for your audience.
New podcasters are approaching their shows with a plan, thanks to events like Podcast Movement
Here are the Samson Mics mentioned in this episode!
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Jen and Vernon Spill The Podbeans Again: Season 3 Ep. 06
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
It's time for our monthly "Spill the Podbeans" episode! Jen and Vernon from the Podbean Team, share podcasting news and updates from Podbean with our Podbean Family. Podbean has rolled out more new features and improvements to make your podcasting experience even more rich and productive. Soundcloud is also in trouble, and we discuss what that means for podcasters.
You can also find news and announcements from Podbean on Facebook and Twitter, We hope you enjoy this episode! If you did, we would appreciate a review on iTunes and Stitcher!
We want to hear from you! Do you have a podcasting question? Send us your questions, and we will answer it on the podcast and mention your show! email: jennifer@podbean.com
Podbeans Spilled:
Soundcloud's dark cloud
Podbean's exciting new Android app features
You can now share your audio podcast as native video on Facebook
New free app in Podbean's App Marketplace
Podbean is ready for iOs 11
We hope to see you at Podcast Movement!
Exciting partnership with Samson Tech means recording studio giveaways!
Please email us your questions and get mentioned on the show!
Don't forget to join the Podcasting Smarter Facebook Group
Why is Jen's new nickname, "Mittens"?
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Arnie Calvalho began podcasting in 2005 when he started the very first podcast about dedicated to Star Wars collecting, the award-winning Star Wars Action News. Fast forward to today, and he now now running a successful network of shows under the umbrella of Venganza Media which includes the following podcasts: Now Playing Podcast, Books and Nachos, and Marvelicious Toys. Now, Arnie, and his team are leading a multi-media dynasty that includes audio and video content, a blog, and now even a book called Underrated Movies We Recommend derived from the Now Playing Podcast, and now available for pre-order!
Arnie's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Arnie gained traction with his first podcast, Star Wars Action News, by reaching out to Star Wars collector web sites, and other Star Wars podcasts. Those relationships led to a fan base, as well as feedback on how to make their show better.
This first podcast led them to doing live shows, and hosting events for Star Wars fans. By getting out of the studio, they got to know their listeners.
Arnie turns down a lot of sponsorship opportunities because he doesn't want to endorse a product he doesn't personally believe in.
He has experienced monetization success with a premium content model combined with listener support through crowdfunding.
Listener engagement keeps everything excitign and rewarding, and his team ensures that the listeners are always responded to, and consitently runed to for feedback.
Growing a community around each of his network shows has played a critical part of their success.
Producing consistent content is paramount for podcast success. Your audience should look forward to your podcast like a T.V. show. Arnie hasn't missed producing a Tuesday episode of Now Playing in over 300 weeks. Wow, that is dedication!
Care enough about your show to edit it. Your listeners should always have a pleasant listening experience.
Arnie couldn't do it without a stellar team that works hard to produce quality shows, promote, and engage with their audiences.
Early on, Arnie took his podcast production seriously, and treated it like a business which set the foundation for his future success.
Podcasting takes you to unexpected places. Arnie is publishing his first book based on the Now Playing Podcast.
Arnie's hypothetical podcast about his life: "4 Shot Mocha, No Sleep"
Arnies Fantasy Podcaster: Mark Twain
Subscribe to the Now Playing Podcast on Podbean and iTunes. Find and subscribe to all of the shows on Venganza Media!
Friday Jun 23, 2017
News for Podcasters! Jen and Vernon Spill The Podbeans: Season 3 Ep. 04
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Friday Jun 23, 2017
Jennifer and Vernon at PodFest MultiMedia Expo
This week on Podcasting Smarter, Jen and Vernon from the Podbean Team, share news and updates from Podbean with our Podbean Family. Podbean has rolled out a lot of new features and improvements to make your podcasting experience even more rich and productive.
Although we share announcements on Facebook and Twitter, we thought it would be nice to tell you a little bit more about these things. We look forward to bringing you a monthly "Spill The Podbeans" episodes to keep everyone up to date on everything going on here at Podbean! We hope you enjoy this episode!
Podbeans Spilled:
Podbean releases its API to Developers
Introducing Podbean's new App Marketplace!
Unique New Feature: Time Bomb Capability
User Engagement Intel Now Available
Apple's podcasting news
Podbean now on Amazon Alexa
You can also listen to Podcasting Smarter on iTunes and Stitcher! Questions for Jen and Vernon? Send them to jennifer@podbean.com and we will answer them on the show! :)
Sunday May 28, 2017
Listen More, Listen Indie with Josh Hallmark of #2PodsADay: Season 3 Ep. 03
Sunday May 28, 2017
Sunday May 28, 2017
Our first repeat guest is Josh Hallmark from the Our Americana, and The Karen & Ellen Letters Podcasts. We've invited him back to talk to us about his #2PodsADay campaign that has been gaining real momentum in the podcasting world. 2PodsADay brings much needed attention to indie podcasts by introducing two episodes a day from two indie podcasts from May 15th-June 13th. We also get lots of updates on his shows, and what he has learned along this fantastical podcast journey!
Podcasting Smarter Tips & Updates From Josh:
Josh encourages podcasters to treat their podcast like a business from the beginning if your goal is to someday earn a living from it. You have to pound the pavement and not treat like a hobby, or it wil be a hobby.
Rather than whine about the plight of indie podcasts and their challenge in getting the attention that commercial networks, celebrities, and public radio get, Josh started the 2 Pods A Day campaign. Check it out, and help keep up the momentum that Josh started!
For better engagement, Josh recommends incorporating yoru fans into your show. It means carving out significant time to give your audience the attention it wants anddeserves.
The Karen & Ellen Letters will start their second and final season in November. The show has been a whirlwind of surprises for him and his audience, and what he has learned in the process contradicts all of his intial theories about the four characters from the letters.
He almost gave up his desire to do a true crime podcast because he felt the genre was getting over-saturated. Luckily, he discovered a unique approach to the genre that will allow him to produce a unique show. True Crime BullSh*t will debut in the near future.
When his workload got too much with his most profitable show, Our Americana, he found a way to produce a different kind of episode that is easier to produce and will allow him to keep the show consistent.
He is so excited about his upcoming podcast which compares the stories of former public access celebrities with modern YouTube stars.
The season finale of the Karen & Ellen Letters Podcast will be performed live at DC PodFest in November!
Keep is with all of Josh's shows via the Our American Network. We can't wait to see what he accomplishes next!
Monday Apr 24, 2017
A Podcast Bridging Two Cultures with John Zhu: Season 03 Ep. 2
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Today, I am chatting with John Zhu, the host and producer of the “Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Podcast”. John is on a mission with his podcast to retell the ancient Chinese novel, “Romance Of The Three Kingdoms” in a way that makes it relevant and accessible to a modern audience. With 800,000 words and nearly a thousand dramatic characters to cover, this is quite an ambitious undertaking.
"Once you get a certain number of listeners, word of mouth becomes a significant tool for promoting." --John Zhu, Host and Producer of The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Podcast
John's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Being born in China, but living most of his life in the Unites States, John wanted to produce a Chinese-related podcast. After doing some research, he discovered there wasn't a show covering classic Chinese literature, and he saw an opportunity to introduce a significant piece of Chinese culture to a Western audience.
John was influenced by master storytellers he used to hear on the radio in China. He knew he needed to use the podcast to make the novel more accessible through good storytelling.
John takes 3-4 hours to write a script for each episode! He also provides supplemental resources for his audience like maps, and death tolls.
John learned that his voice and energy waned after 30 minutes, so he shortened his episodes in order to improve the quality of the show.
John listens back to his recordings closely so he can make his voice more dynamic. This means doing different takes to get the recording sounding the way he wants it to.
John tapped into his audience with online forums. Since his podcast covers a niche subject, he was able to find people in history and Chinese forums as well as Facebook groups who were interested in his subject matter.
John has also enjoyed spikes in downloads after being a guest on other Chinese-related podcasts.
Although John has received donations for his podcast, he has no plans to monetize the podcast. His rewards come from the creative outlet, and the positive feedback from his audiece.
John learned several new skills through podcasting that translate well to his career in media.
Before you record, consider if you will still be excited about your topic or premise 6 months from now. How will you keep going after the initial excitement wears off?
Don't rush to publish, but start recording now so you can work on getting better. Listen back and see where you need to improve. Once you are happy, publish.
John's Fantasy Podcaster: Julius Caesar
John's Hypothetical Podcast About His Life: East Meets West
Please listen and subscribe to the Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Podcast on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher. Follow on Twitter and Facebook too! :)
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
All The Makings Of The Next Serial with Josh Hallmark: Season 3 Ep. 01
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Josh Hallmark is the podcast host and producer of not only the Our Americana Podcast, but also the podcast network of the same name. The Our Americana Podcast Network curates and creates podcasts that celebrate American storytelling, mythology, and folklore. It's also home to it's titillating new show with a quickly growing cult-like following, The Karen & Ellen Letters. The Karen & Ellen Letters are a series of real letters from the 1980s between a landlord and his two, naive and unbelievaby demanding young, female tenants. We discuss how the unique premise of this podcast has all the elements for Serial-Like success.
Josh's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
After a six month road trip around America, Josh discovered podcasts (starting with Serial), and also discovered he had a story to tell about small town America. The yearning to stay connected to the small towns he visited, was what inspired his first podcast, Our Americana.
Podcasts give us an opportunity to have open-minded conversations with non like-minded people. We can use this to change false perceptions about people, and communities different than ourselves.
Josh's biggest obstacle is financial. He doesn't have the resources to record in a studio, so he doesn't have the sound quality he'd like.
Josh uses a primitive process for recording by using his iphone earbuds in his dining room.
Right now, he is doing all the recording, marketing, PR. editing, research, and production. He can work 100 hours a week, and it never seems to be enough.
Josh podcasts full-time. He hopes to continue monetizing through listener support. After he passes the $1,000 a month threshold, he plans to give back to charities that support the people in the small towns he has grown to love.
The Our Americana Network has three additional shows launching this year. Including a show that is hosted by a young trans woman, documenting her raw, non-political story of gender transition.
Josh has the support of his boyfriend who is 110% behind what Josh is creating. Podcasting without that support would be extremely difficult.
Josh is a bit nervous about the popularity of The Karen & Ellen Letters. Some of his listeners are rabid fans, and have done their own sleuthing to find the real identities of Karen and Ellen.
Josh has to work on taking on too much. He is working on how to incorporate help as he monetizes.
He doesn't think what podcasts are making in general is out of sinc with the amount of work that goes into producing a quality show.
Josh wants to see a Hulu-like model in the future of podcasting that celebrates good, indie producers, not just the usual shows in the top 100 lists on iTunes.
Josh's Fantasy Podcaster: Carole Radziwill of the Real Housewives of NYC
Josh's Hypothetical Podcast About His Life: "It's Ok To Laugh At This"
You can listen to The Karen and Ellen letters on Podbean and iTunes. Once you get addicted to the show, join the Karen & Ellen Letters Facebook group.
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Podcasting Conferences Are Your Best Podcast Investment!: Season 02 Ep.10
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
We are podcasting from the Podfest Multimedia Expo on this enthusiastic episode of Podcasting Smarter! I got the honor of representing Podbean at #PME17 along with Vernon Ross, the newest member of the Podbean sales team. You may remember Vernon from Season 02 Ep. 8. Together, we got to talk to hundreds of podcasters, participate in a couple of panels, and connect with an incredible community of creators.
We hope we can convince you of the importance of attending podcasting conferences. This is where you can connect and collaborate with other podcasters. The opportunities are endless! You also have an incredible bounty of education in the form of keynote speakers with a wide breadth of knowledge, workshops, and breakout sessions that cover a variety of topics to help you be a better, smarter podcaster. PodFest Multimedia Expo had a wide range of compelling topics, and dynamic speakers. What we loved most though, was the continual message of support and community that was communicated and exercised throughout the conference.
If you get a chance to attend Podfest in 2018, or any of the other podcast conferences, please do! Here are some great ones to check out:
Podfest Multimedia Expo
Podcast Movement
DC PodFest
Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
We go on a real adventure with Kathy Pulkrabek, the intrepid co-host of XX Will Travel, a podcast for independent, women travelers. She is also a writer, editor, and occasional performer in Chicago. Join us as we unpack the details of her podcasting journey!
Kathy's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
As an avid solo traveler, Kathy grew frustrated with the number of people who thought it was weird for a woman to travel alone but thought nothing of a man doing the same thing. XX Will Travel became a way to find and serve a community of women travelers.
She is delighted with the support and collaboration she has found with other women podcasters.
Having a mission behind the podcast is empowering, and inspired them to create a popular "How To" series for women new to traveling by themselves.
Their first live show was a success and a failure. They drew a huge crowd, but the show failed to record. Luckily, they were able to recreate the content of the show.
One thing she loves about podcasting is how comfortable it is to hide behind the microphone, as an introvert.
Her goal when they started the podcast was to be able to travel for free. They are still trying to get hotels to treat them more like travel bloggers, in order to get accommodations in exchange for coverage.
Her other goal when she started the podcast was to learn new skills, and that has been accomplished.
Their podcasting strength is that they are experts in their subject manner. Kathy and her co-host, Inez, have traveled to more than 50 countries.
She warns new podcasters that your show will take a lot more of your time than you estimate.
Be prepared to spend limitless amounts of time on social media in order to connect with your audience and promote your show.
She advises that new podcasters concentrate on quality about all else instead of downloads. If you produce quality content, the audience will come and stay.
Finally, her best piece of advice is to choose a topic that you LOVE so you never get tired of talking about it.
Kathy's Fantasy Podcaster: Princess Diana
Kathy's Hypothetical Podcast About Her Life: A Wholesome Mid-Westerner
Please follow @XXWillTravel on Twitter, @XXWillTravel on Instagram, and on Facebook! You can subscribe and listen to the XX Will Travel on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Investing In Your Sponsors with Vernon Ross: Season 2 Ep. 08
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Vernon Ross teaches podcasters, authors, coaches, and companies how to find their voice online, behind the microphone, on stage, and in any situation.
He is also the host of the Social Strategy Podcast, author of Master Your Message, social and digital strategist and inspirational speaker whose insights are based on real world experience.
I met him at Podcast Movement 2016, and I am so happy to welcome my new pod pal to the show!
Vernon's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Vernon started his podcast to increase his professional authority in his business.
Through podcasting, Vernon learned self-awareness, and discovered his gift for talking to people and helping them tell their stories.
He has collected a number of opportunities directly and indirectly from podcasting including speaking gigs, a book deal, and a college teaching job.
Know who you are, and reflect that in your show. Knowing who you are and what you have to say will help you find sponsors that align with your message.
Don't worry about what other people think. If you have a point of view not everyone will agree with you, or like what you have to say.
Vernon landed A-list guests by asking when they weren't doing interviews and suggesting an original topic for them to talk about.
Don't let your fear keep you from starting.
He doesn't like rambling podcasts. He listens to Art of Charm, Experts On The Wire, Podcast Junkies, Side Hustle School, and the Tim Ferris Podcast.
If you are serious about podcasting, attend conferences! You need to surround yourself with people who understand what you are doing. You can meet Vernon at Podfest in Orlando in February, as well as me! Look for us at the Podbean table. :)
Vernon's Hypothetical Podcast About His Life: Holy Crap, How Did That Happen?
Vernon's Fantasy Podcasters: Jesus, Barack Obama, and the first Native Americans
Find Vernon In These Places!
Book: Master Your Message http://amzn.to/2hDvTPL Host: The Social Strategy PodcastWeb: http://vernonross.com Twitter: @rosspr
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Saturday Dec 31, 2016
Do you dream of the day when you can say you've reached 200 podcast episodes? My guest this week has accomplished that podcasting milestone. Evan Harris is an improviser and actor in Greenville, SC. He is also the creator and co-host of The Bearded Ones Podcast and generously shares his perspective after reaching his 200th episode.
Evan Harris' Podcasting Smarter Tips:
His podcast is a prime example of podcast evolution. His early episodes were burdoned with a rigid format that wasn't working, and horrible sound quality. Luckily, they made the changes needed to improve the show, but it took some time to get there. Big Lesson: Don't quit, work on getting better, and keep going!
He and his co-host, Jason Underwood alway skeep their goal in mind: To always be entertaining and/or funny. This means aggressively editing out any pieces of the show that just aren't interesting. Big Lesson: You need to edit your show
Don't assume that people want to hear you talk. They don't.
Evan and Jason both prep for the show by collecting notes, stories, and video clips prior to each episode, and collaborate prior to every show. However, they are careful not to over-prep so they can react to each other's contributions in an authentic manner.
Evan's only regret is not starting his podcast sooner. It's a struggle competing with A-D list celebrities with built-in followings who are now getting into podcasting.
Sometimes, it's like getting water from a stine when he and Jason think a topic or bit for the show will be great, and it's not workign out the way they imagines. He's learned that by doubling down on it, they often get to some golden content, and they can edit out the junk in post production.
There were some distinct peaks and valleys getting to their 200th episode. Two years ago they took a six month break when they got both busy and discouraged with their download numbers. And yes, it killed their download numbers until they recommitted to the show and decided to produce regular content no matter what.
Another strategy that helped their numbers was actively joining kindred networks and using those platforms for cross promotion and exposure to new audiences.
Evan pointed out that unlike traditional media, nobody can make you stop podcasting but you. In other words, anyone can make it to 200 episodes if they take the committment to their show seriously.
Evan's Fantasy Podcaster: Zombie Abe Lincoln
Evan's Hypothetical Podcast About His Life: "True Self Deprecation"
Good Starter Episode of The Bearded Ones Podcast: Episode 200!
You can listen to The Bearded Ones on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher. Find them on Facebook and Twitter too!
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Friday Dec 23, 2016
This week we are joined by Joe Cozzo of The Joe Cozzo Show. Joe is a comedian, podcaster, and criminal defense attorney who describes his show as a podcast about absolutely nothing and everything.
Prepare to be guilty as charged of being a smarter podcaster thanks to Joe's unique podcasting insights!
"If you aren't doing video you are doing yourself an injustice." --Joe Cozzo
Joe Cozzo's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Joe is always searching for people with great stories. He uses a combination of Craigs List Ads, his past criminal clients, and interesting people in his life like Crazy Robert.
His interviewing skills are a direct result of studying Howard Stern.
Joe is so passionate about podcasting he gets up at 5:30am to start gathering research and organizing sound bites.
Joe preps his guests through email and texts rather than talk to them directly in order to keep the interview as fresh as possible. He instructs every guest to be as real as possible.
Everyone is unique if you listen. The key is makign the guest comfortable so they feel good talking to you and opening up about their life.
Joe recommends Facebook as the best tool to market your show. He has an active Facebook Page and is considering a group. He interract with everyone who comments on his page, and YouTube videos. He also invests in Facebook ads to expand the reach of his episodes.
Although he has one advertiser on his show, he is still working on how to generate enough revenue to allow him to work on his show full-time.
The thing that bothers him the most is that he doesn't yet have the resources to pay his regular guests, and the people who help behind the scenes. This is a big goal for the show as it continues to grow.
Joe experienced a huge boost to his show when he started complementing his audio content with YouTube videos. He strongly believes every podcaster needs to embrace video, especially Facebook Live.
Joe gives guests his home telephone number. He strongly believes that the key to building your audience is building real relationships.
Joe uses a That-2 to record audio from his telephone.
Joe doesn't like to listen to shows similar to his because he doesn't want to be over-influenced.
Joe's Fantasy Podcaster: Elvis
Joe's Hypothetic Podcast About His Life: The Life and Mess Of Joe Cozzo
Good starter Episode of The Joe Cozzo Show: The Coney Island Coin Toss
You can listen to The Joe Cozzo Show on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher. Please follow Joe on Twitter and Facebook too!
Thanks again for listening to Podcasting Smarter! If you are enjoying the show, please consider giving it an iTunes review. It helps! :)
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Podcasters On A Mission to Investigate & Solve Crimes: Season 02 Ep. 5
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
This week, I am joined by podcaster, Rebecca Duke. Rebecca is the co-host of the True Crime and Mysteries Podcast which is on a mission to bring awareness and ultimately, resolution to victims of violent crime. She and her co-host Michael give victims a voice through advocacy and real investigative journalism, using their podcast.
Rebecca's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Rebecca had an idea to do more than entertain with a podcast. She now uses her podcast to act as an advocate for crime victims, and actively investigates criminal cases. She podcasts with a purpose!
As a podcaster, she has found that witnesses are more willing to open up to her as a non-traditional journalist.
She feels that more podcasters can and should use the medium to act as journalists to help solve crimes, and complement the work of police departments because podcasters are less constrained and more agile.
Rebecca is an academic writer, so she finds storytelling challenging, but her co-host, Mike helps keep her on track--especially when she gets emotional.
Rebecca uses a facebook Group instead of a facebook Page to connect with her listeners, and keep them up to date on her investigation. Her Facebook group members will even jump in and help pick up court papers when she can't make the trip.
Rebecca has a crowdfunding campaign as well as Amazon affiliate links to raise money to help cover travel expenses related to th einvestigation work.
Eventually, Rebecca and Mike would like to buy a travel trailor and travel around the country to help bring awareness and their investigation skills to other cases in need.
Rebecca spends 40+ hours a week on her podcast!
They record with a Mac and use Garage Band to edit and compose show music. They use a Blue Yeti microphone with a pop filter.
Rebecca's Fantasy Podcaster is Charles Darwin
Rebecca's hypothetical podcast abour her life would be called "Organized Chaos"
Please check out their investigative series on the Tiffani Streling Case. Developmens are happening through their investigative efforts that may finally bring closure to this case and justice for Tiffani!
You can listen to True Crime and Mysteries Podcast on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher. Please follow the show on Twitter, and join their Facebook group to stay abreast of their work.
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
On this episode, we are shaken and stirred by Mike Stojic, the host and creator of Make It A Double--The podcast that talks booze, spirits, history, mixology, and the people and stories that make them great.
Mike mixes us up a cocktail of great advice on this episode of Podcasting Smarter.
Mike's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Mike invests extra time editing his podcast in order to tell a story in a creative, entertaining fashion.
He finds all his music at freemusicarchive.org where he selects the perfect music for the mood of his show. He puts attributes for all the music on his website.
Find your passion. Anyone can talk. but not everyone has a passion they can share that they enjoy talking about.
The best guests are great storytellers, and the best storytellers have a passion.
He grows his audience through his guests' networks, and by collaborating with other podcasters with sponsor spot exchanges and cross promoting.
He uses Facebook ads to promote his episodes and sees a jump in downloads when he does.
Mike keeps his studio simple with an ipad, 2 mics, and a 2 channel amp. He records directly into his ipad using BossJock.
Podcasting led Mike to his partner in his soon to open bar, Revival 1869, as well as friendships with people in the spirits business that have helped him develop his bar menu.
Mike's Fantasy Podcaster(s): Quentin Tarantino & Boris Johnson
Mike's Hypothetical Podcast ABout His Life: The Wandering Whiskey Adventures
Start with Episode 1 of Make It A Double titled, Moonshine and thank me later! :)
You can listen and subscribe to Make It A Double on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher. You can also follow Make It A Double on Facebook and Instagram!
Thanks for listening, sharing, and reviewing Podcasting Smarter!
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Don't Get Attached To iTunes with Scott Wagaman: Season 02 Episode 3
Monday Oct 31, 2016
Monday Oct 31, 2016
This week I am joined by Scott Wagaman, the co-host of Watch Talk Wrestling. Scott is apodcaster who has taken his extreme passion for wrestling and transformed itinto a unique podcast.
Scott shares what it's like wrestling with a podcast, and let's us know what he learned along the way to 100 episodes.
Scott's Podcasting Smarter Tips:
Scott found a way to differentiate himself in the crowded genre of wrestling podcasts. To do this, he had to take his time launching the podcast until he figured out an angle to make his show unique.
The best money he has ever spent on his podcast was for better microphones. They now use Shure SM58 mics and pop filters for better sound quality.
They keep their podcast entertaining by adopting characters grounded in themselves while staying true to a wrestling theme.
They primarily use Twitter for social media. Follow them!
Outside of social media marketing, they print and handout fliers as people leave local music shows, and wrestling events.
They will also trade 30 second spots with other podcasts to tap into new audiences.
They are coordinating with other wrestling podcasts in their area for a regular round table to cross promote each other's shows.
He uses the ios app, Logo Creator that allows him to create logos and visuals from his phone.
They hit a rocky patch around episode 40, but decided that they should keep going, and now they are having even more fun than when they just started.
If Your numbers dip, don't get discouraged, because they will fluctuate.
Don't depend too heavily on iTunes, most of their downloads come from other listening platforms.
Scott's Fantasy Podcaster: Eddie Guerrero
Scott's Hypothetical Podcast About His Life: Farts and Boogers
Best Starter episode of Watch Talk Wrestling: WTW Ep. 73: The Monday Night Wars
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Everyone Has A Unique Story with Dave Bullis: Season 02 Ep. 2
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
Sunday Oct 16, 2016
On this episode of Podcasting Smarter, I am joined by Dave Bullis who is a screenwriter, director, producer, and podcaster in the Philadelphia area. He is just one person, and his show, the Dave Bullis Podcast was voted one of the best filmmaking podcasts by Mentorless, the Indie Film Academy. And Podbean.
Dave Bullis' Podcasting Smarter Tips:Don't underestimate the value of creating. Podcasting reignited Dave's creativite spark and got him writing again.
Podcasting will expand your network by giving you a reason to connect with interesting and influential people by inviting them on your podcast.
Everyone has a unique story based on their journey. Even when they come from the same background or industry.
Instead of looking at podcast production as a ton of work, be happy that you get to do it and reap all its benefits.
Find guests by having a contact form on your website, getting previous guest recommendations, and scouring social media.
Make it easy for guests to share their episode by emailing them with links to the show. Also tag them on social media with a photo, and use their name as a hashtag.
Dave monetized his show by a combination of crowdfunding, and Amazon as well as Audible Affiliate links.
Dave's favorite productivity tool is Evernote.
Have a specialized angle. The barriers to entry are so low, you are now in a war for eyeballs and ears. You need to stand out.
Dave' fantasy podcaster: Mel Brooks
Dave's hypothetical podcast about his life: WTF with Dave Bullis, a comedy show.
Best starter episode of the Dave Bullis Podcast: Episode 131-Joseph Poliquin
You can find the Dave Bullis Podcast on Podbean, iTunes, and Stitcher. Don't forget to follow him on Twitter and Facebook too!

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