Monday Dec 23, 2019
The Many Phases and Faces of Fans: The Gravity Beard Podcast on Community
As a content creator, it’s an accepted fact that a podcast is nothing without its fan following. Whether your fans are the quiet sort that bring it up for recommendations, or loudly and meticulously buying merch, liveshow tickets, and behind-the-scenes patron-program access, all fans are good fans and welcome to be part of your show. One podcast, The Gravity Beard, as a community that takes it one step further. If you haven’t heard of them, The Gravity Beard Podcast is a comedy podcast that’s got a little bit of everything for everyone.
Hear the hosts of The Gravity. Beard Podcast speak about how as their podcast grew, so did their fanbase, how their fans interacted with the show, and how they inserted themselves into the GravityBeard narrative.