Friday Jun 23, 2017
News for Podcasters! Jen and Vernon Spill The Podbeans: Season 3 Ep. 04
Jennifer and Vernon at PodFest MultiMedia Expo
This week on Podcasting Smarter, Jen and Vernon from the Podbean Team, share news and updates from Podbean with our Podbean Family. Podbean has rolled out a lot of new features and improvements to make your podcasting experience even more rich and productive.
Although we share announcements on Facebook and Twitter, we thought it would be nice to tell you a little bit more about these things. We look forward to bringing you a monthly "Spill The Podbeans" episodes to keep everyone up to date on everything going on here at Podbean! We hope you enjoy this episode!
Podbeans Spilled:
- Podbean releases its API to Developers
- Introducing Podbean's new App Marketplace!
- Unique New Feature: Time Bomb Capability
- User Engagement Intel Now Available
- Apple's podcasting news
- Podbean now on Amazon Alexa
You can also listen to Podcasting Smarter on iTunes and Stitcher! Questions for Jen and Vernon? Send them to jennifer@podbean.com and we will answer them on the show! :)