Monday Aug 26, 2019
Effectively Grow Your Community with Wolf 359's Gabriel Urbina (Time Bombs, No Bad Ideas)
You can have the most state-of-the-art equipment, the most professional audio processing software, and the best podcast host in the game, but that doesn’t mean anything if your podcast doesn’t get listened to. You should always create for yourself, make something that you’re proud to go back and listen to at the end of the day, but the biggest draw of podcasting as a medium is the idea that you can share the stories you want to tell with the people around you and interact with them as they experience your content.
No one knows more about the power of listenership and community than Gabriel Urbina, creator and head writer of Wolf 359, Time Bombs, and No Bad Ideas. During Podcast Movement in Orlando, Florida, we got the chance to sit down and chat about effective growing your community of listenership.